About joining

I don't know how to pay at a convenience store.
Please check the details below depending on the convenience store you are using.

  • Payment methods at Lawson Loppi
*You will need your "Customer Number" and "Confirmation Number" when making a payment. Please make a note of them or print the screen.
1. On the Loppi home screen, select "For those who have various numbers" on the left button.
2. Enter your 14-digit customer number.
3. Enter your 4-digit confirmation number and select "Next".
4. After confirming the payment details, select "Yes."
5. Take the printed receipt to the cashier and pay in cash within 30 minutes.
*After payment, please be sure to receive the "detailed statement and receipt." The "detailed statement and receipt" will serve as your receipt.

  • How to pay at FamilyMart FamiPort
1. From the top page, select "Payment/Charge (Payment at convenience store)."
2. Check the notes regarding the receipt and select "Next".
3. Select "Enter Number".
4. Enter the 5-digit company code "20020" and select "OK".
5. Enter your 12-digit order number starting with 8 and select "OK".
*Gifts are 12-digit numbers starting with 6.
6. After reading the notes, select "Agree and proceed."
*Payment must be made in cash only.
7. Check the payment details confirmation screen and select "Confirm."
8. Take the printed application form to the cashier and make the payment within 30 minutes.
9. After payment, be sure to receive a receipt.
*The "receipt" will serve as your receipt.

  • Payment methods at Ministop
*You will need your "Customer Number" and "Confirmation Number" when making a payment. Please make a note of them or print the screen.
1. On the Loppi home screen, select "For those who have various numbers" on the left button.
2. Enter your 14-digit customer number.
3. Enter your 4-digit confirmation number and select "Next".
4. After confirming the payment details, select "Yes."
5. Take the printed receipt to the cashier and pay in cash within 30 minutes.
*After payment, please be sure to receive the "detailed statement and receipt." The "detailed statement and receipt" will serve as your receipt.

  • Payment methods at Daily Yamazaki/Yamazaki Daily
*You will need your "online payment number" when making a payment. Please make a note of it or print the screen.
1. Present your receipt number to the convenience store staff and tell them you would like to make an online payment.
2. After the staff operates the cash register, the input screen will be displayed, so please enter your receipt number.
3. The payment details will be displayed, so please check that they are correct and press the "Confirm" button.
4. Please pay for the item in cash.
5. A receipt (in receipt format) will be issued, so please be sure to receive it.

  •   セブンイレブンでのお支払い方法


  • Payment methods at Seico Mart
  *You will need the "reception number" and "confirmation number" when making payment. Please make a note of them or print them out.
1. Touch the "Online reception - payment of various fees" button at the bottom left.
2. Enter your "reception number (6 digits)" and proceed to the next page.
3. Enter your "Confirmation Number (10 digits)" and proceed to the next page.
4. After checking the displayed information, touch the "Print" button if you are happy with it.
5. Take the "application ticket (3 sheets)" printed out from the machine to the sales counter.

Other questions about "Joining"


If the above does not resolve your issue, please contact us using the details below.

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