privacy policy

Fanplus Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") has established the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "this privacy policy"). This privacy policy stipulates how our company will use and manage personal information collected from customers in the course of operating the "Sayaka Yamamoto Fan Club | Yamamoto Sayaka official fan club "SYC"". In order to allow customers to use the "Sayaka Yamamoto Fan Club | Yamamoto Sayaka official fan club "SYC"" with peace of mind, our company will comply with laws and regulations regarding personal information protection and thoroughly ensure the appropriate collection, use, and management of personal information.

1. Definitions
In this Privacy Policy, "personal information" refers to information that can identify a specific individual through one or a combination of the following: member ID, name, gender, email address, telephone number, address, nickname, date of birth, credit card information, device information, cookies, purchase history, points and other holding information, point and other usage history, and inquiry history.
2. Measures to safely manage your personal information
We will implement appropriate safety measures for the personal information we collect from our customers and take reasonable steps to prevent unauthorized access, leakage, falsification, loss, etc., and will appoint a person responsible for handling personal information in accordance with our basic policy on personal information protection and establish a management system as follows.
Clarify the employees who handle personal information and the scope of personal information that they handle, and establish a reporting and contact system to the person in charge when facts or signs of violations of the Personal Information Protection Act or internal regulations regarding the handling of personal information are discovered.
- Regularly educate employees on important points regarding the handling of personal information
- Implement measures to prevent unauthorized persons from viewing personal information in areas where personal information is handled
● Implement access control to limit the scope of the person in charge and the personal information database handled. In the unlikely event that a problem occurs, we will accurately grasp the situation without delay and take corrective measures promptly. In addition, personal information that is no longer necessary will be disposed of by our company. privacy policy We will destroy or delete the information in an appropriate manner based on the above.
3. Use of Personal Information

We will use personal information within the scope of the purposes of use listed below and those indicated at the time of acquisition, and only to the extent necessary for the performance of our business.

  • (1) Management of member information
  • (2) Sale of products, rights, digital contents and services (hereinafter referred to as "Products, etc.") of the Company and its business partners (including the conclusion of service provision contracts, etc.; the same applies below).
  • (3) To conduct campaigns, contests, and surveys
  • (4) To simplify the process of membership registration when using services within our Group that require membership registration
  • (5) To notify you of matters necessary for the operation of this website (including by email).
  • (6) Advertising, promotion, and sales solicitation of the products of the Company and its business partners (including by e-mail).
  • (7) Sending email newsletters
  • (8) Packing and shipping of member benefits, etc. (including the work of companies commissioned by the Company to pack and ship)
  • (9) Charge calculation and billing
  • (10) Responding to various inquiries and after-sales service
  • (11) Research and analysis of marketing data (analyzing browsing history, purchase history, and other information acquired, and using it to advertise new products and services based on hobbies and preferences, etc.), and development of new services
  • (12) Creating statistically processed data on users’ personal information and attributes in a form that does not identify individuals, and providing such data to our affiliated companies, etc.
  • (13) When we are entrusted with the handling of personal information by other businesses, etc., to carry out the entrusted business
  • (14) Exercising rights and fulfilling obligations under contracts, laws, etc.
  • (15) For purposes incidental or related to any of the preceding items
4. Collection and Use of Personal Information
In order for our customers to use our service, we ask them to obtain our unique ID "Plus member ID" (hereinafter referred to as "this ID"), confirm the purpose of its use, and then register their personal information. The personal information provided by our customers may be used only for the various services we provide, such as the service on this website.
If you no longer require any of our services, please contact us at Section 8 "Customer Personal Information Inquiry Desk" and we will stop using your information. *Please note that it may take some time to process your request after we receive it. Please understand that there may be a delay in shipping your order.
5. Shared Use of Personal Information

We will jointly use personal information acquired from customers as follows:

  • ①Personal data items: name, address, phone number, date of birth, gender, email address, purchase history, membership authentication history
  • ② Scope of Users: Our group companies (, our business partner in this service, BeatNix Corporation of American, and other business partners (ticket sales companies, record companies, etc.)
  • ③ Purpose of use: Same as (1) to (15) in 【3. Use of Personal Information】
  • ④ Administrator: Fanplus Co., Ltd. (
6. Provision of personal information

All personal information provided by customers to this website will not be provided to any third party without the consent of the individual, except as described in paragraph 5. However, personal information may be provided in the following cases:

  • When outsourcing operations to outsourcing companies or partner companies with whom we have concluded a non-disclosure agreement (outsourced operations include order processing for this service, product delivery, billing processing, e-mail sending, and customer service).
  • ● Requests from government agencies such as the police
  • When permitted by law
  • When it is necessary for the protection of a person's life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent
  • ● In the event of a violation of the Terms of Use, customer information (including name) may be made public in accordance with the Terms of Use. (Please note that as information made public on the Internet can be accessed by an unspecified number of people around the world, we cannot provide information on the name of the foreign country where the recipient is located or the personal information protection measures.)
  • When the third party is an academic research institution, etc., and it is necessary for the third party to handle the personal information for academic research purposes (including cases where part of the purpose of handling the personal information is academic research purposes, and excluding cases where there is a risk of unjustly infringing on the rights and interests of individuals).
7. Disclosure, correction, suspension of use, deletion, etc. of personal information
If you wish to change your address, etc., or if we find that there is an error in the registered information, we will promptly make the change or correction. If you wish to disclose your personal information (including records related to third-party provision), we will inform you of the requested personal information after confirming your identity. (We will verify your identity by checking your name, telephone number, etc.). If you wish to suspend or delete your personal information, we will respond in accordance with the law after confirming your identity. For details on how to make these requests, please contact Section 8, "Customer Personal Information Inquiry Desk." In addition, if you register false facts or information of another person as your personal information, or if there is any other fraudulent use, we may suspend the use of this ID.
8. Customer Personal Information Inquiry Desk

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株式会社Fanplus 個人情報苦情及び相談窓口宛
9. Cookies
This service uses a technology called cookies. Cookies are a mechanism that temporarily stores specific information as data on the communication device used by the customer, and identifies the customer based on that data each time the customer connects. Our company provides services premised on the use of cookies. Therefore, if you do not permit the use of cookies, you may not be able to receive some of our services. You can set whether or not to permit the use of cookies in your browser. Please check the settings as necessary.
10. Voluntary provision of personal information
Whether or not you provide your personal information to us is up to you. However, if you do not provide the items we require, we may not be able to respond appropriately to your requests for various services.
11. Provision of information to business partners or links
We are not involved with the use of personal information collected independently by websites linked to this service, such as our business partner companies and third-party sites and services accessible through this service. Therefore, we do not bear any obligation or responsibility for the independent regulations or activities of these companies or sites. Please check the privacy policies of each site.
12. Updates to this Privacy Policy
In order to protect personal information, we may revise this privacy policy in accordance with changes in laws and regulations or other necessary measures. In that case, we will post the latest privacy policy on this website.