Yamamoto Sayaka quiz April 20th correct answers & April 21st quiz announced!


From Friday, April 17th to Thursday, April 30th, Yamamoto Sayaka will ask SYC members a quiz about herself once a day.

The correct answer will be revealed the next day, and those who get it right will get points! Those who get the most points by the last day will receive a special present from Yamamoto Sayaka!

The deadline for responses is 23:59 each day, so don't forget to respond. Please note that you can only respond once!

The number of points changes depending on the day, so you can join in the middle of the event and still have fun.

Please join us.

The final winners with the most points will be announced at SYC, so stay tuned!

Click here for the April 21st quiz!

The answer for April 20th is here!