Yamamoto Sayaka Fan Club "SYC" System Renewal Announcement and Request for Preparation


Yamamoto Sayaka 's fan club "SYC" is planning to renew its system soon.

If you were a member before the system renewal, you will need to go through the procedure for "issuing and linking your Plus member ID" as your first login when you log in to the site after the system renewal.

To ensure a smooth first login, please check the following two points before the system renewal.

■ Check point 1

Please check your registered email address and password and make sure you can log in to the site.

*If you are using predictive text or auto-fill functions on your device, we recommend that you write them down in a memo or other document.

If you have forgotten your password, please reset it before the system is renewed.

>> Click here to reset your password

■ Check point 2

Please check the registration status of your Plus member ID.

(A) If you already have one Plus member ID

Please make sure that your Plus member ID and SYC registration information (email address, name, date of birth, etc.) match.

If they do not match, you will not be able to complete the initial login procedure.

Please update to the latest information.

>> Click here to confirm your Plus member ID registration

>> If you have registered the wrong name or date of birth for your Plus member ID, please click here.

>> Click here to confirm your SYC registration

>> If you have registered your SYC name or date of birth incorrectly, please click here

(B) If you have multiple Plus member IDs

It is not recommended to have multiple Plus member IDs.

We recommend that you cancel your membership in advance for any IDs you no longer need.

>> Click here to cancel your Plus member ID

(C) If you do not have a Plus member ID

When you log in for the first time, you can issue a Plus member ID and link your account at the same time.

Please wait for the system renewal to finish without creating a Plus member ID.