Joshin PRESENTS Tigers Special Hanshin Tigers Fan Appreciation Day 2023


Sunday, December 3, 2023 15:30-16:25

We bring you plenty of footage of the Tigers warriors and fans having a blast as they become Japan's top team for the first time in 38 years!

Yoshio Itoi and Yamamoto Sayaka invite Oyama and Morishita on an exquisite relaxation tour!

◇Program Contents

◆ Fan Appreciation Day: Full of excitement

◆Ryota Imanari & Chihiro Kawakami: Joshin gift project "I'm giving that to you"

◆ Yoshio Itoi & Yamamoto Sayaka: An exquisite relaxation tour for players Oyama and Morishita

◆Exploring the roots of first-round draft pick pitcher Shimomura

◇ Cast

Tomonori Jinnai

Atsuhiro Tsuda (Diane)

President of Nippon

Yoshio Itoi

Ryota Imanari

Yamamoto Sayaka (singer-songwriter)

Chihiro Kawakami (NMB48)

Junichi Takano (ABC TV announcer)

Aya Fukuto (ABC TV announcer)

Yusuke Oyama (Hanshin Tigers)

Shota Morishita (Hanshin Tigers)

Kaito Shimomura (Hanshin Tigers)