"SAYAKA YAMAMOTO LIVE TOUR 2024 -&-" to be held & advance ticket sales for W members now open!


Yamamoto Sayaka 's 2023 tour has been confirmed!

And starting at 8pm tonight, advance ticket sales for SYC/SYCMOBILE double members will begin!

<Performance details>

■Tour title


■ Schedule

June 13th (Tue) Chiba LOOK, Chiba, Doors open 18:30 / Show starts 19:00

お問い合わせ先:ディスクガレージ  https://info.diskgarage.com / 050-5533-0888(電話は平日12:00~15:00)

・6月17日(土) 福島・郡山HipShot Japan 開場17:30/開演18:00

Standing: ¥6,600 (tax included)
For further information, please contact:GIP https://www.gip-web.co.jp/t/info

June 18th (Sun) Tochigi, HEAVEN'S ROCK Utsunomiya (VJ-2) Doors open 17:30 / Show starts 18:00

お問い合わせ先:ディスクガレージ  https://info.diskgarage.com / 050-5533-0888(電話は平日12:00~15:00)

・6月23日(金) 埼玉・HEAVEN'S ROCK さいたま新都心 開場18:15/開演19:00

お問い合わせ先:ディスクガレージ  https://info.diskgarage.com / 050-5533-0888(電話は平日12:00~15:00)

・6月25日(日) 静岡・LiveHouse浜松窓枠 開場17:30/開演18:00

Standing: ¥6,600 (tax included)
For inquiries, please contact: Sunday Folk Promotion Shizuoka / 054-284-9999 (Monday to Saturday 12:00 to 18:00)

June 28th (Wednesday) Ishikawa Kanazawa Eight Hall Doors open 18:00 / Show starts 19:00

お問い合わせ先:キョードー北陸チケットセンター https://www.kyodo-hokuriku.co.jp/  / 025-245-5100(火~金12:00~16:00 土曜10:00~15:00)

・6月29日(木) 京都・京都MUSE 開場18:30/開演19:00

Standing: ¥6,600 (tax included)
For inquiries, please contact Kyodo Information at 0570-200-888 (weekdays and Saturdays 11:00-18:00)

July 1st (Saturday) Takamatsu Festhalle, Kagawa, Doors open 17:00 / Show starts 18:00

お問い合わせ先:株式会社デューク http://www.duke.co.jp / 087-822-2520(平日 11:00-17:00)

・7月2日(日) 広島・CLUB QUATTRO 開場17:00/開演18:00

お問い合わせ先:(株)キャンディープロモーション http://www.candy-p.com / 082-249-8334(平日11:00〜17:00)

・7月9日(日) 宮城・仙台GIGS 開場17:00/開演18:00

Standing: ¥6,600 (tax included) / 2F reserved seats ¥7,700
For further information, please contact:GIP https://www.gip-web.co.jp/t/info 

July 13th (Thursday) Zepp DiverCity Tokyo, Tokyo Doors open 18:00 / Show starts 19:00

お問い合わせ先:ディスクガレージ  https://info.diskgarage.com / 050-5533-0888(電話は平日12:00~15:00)

・7月18日(火) 愛知・Zepp Nagoya 開場18:00/開演19:00

お問い合わせ先:サンデーフォークプロモーション / 052-320-9100(全日12:00~18:00)

・7月19日(水) 大阪・Zepp Namba 開場18:00/開演19:00

Standing: ¥6,600 (tax included)/ 2F reserved seats ¥7,700
For inquiries, please contact Kyodo Information at 0570-200-888 (weekdays and Saturdays 11:00-18:00)

・Wednesday, July 26th Fukuoka・Zepp Fukuoka Doors open 18:00 / Show starts 19:00

お問い合わせ先:(株)キョードー西日本 http://www.kyodo-west.co.jp/main.php / 0570-09-2424(平日土曜:11:00〜15:00)


<W Membership Advance Registration>

[Application period]
February 21, 2023 (Tuesday) 20:00 to February 26, 2023 (Sunday) 23:59
[Winner Announcement]
Thursday, March 2, 2023, around 13:00
[Deposit period]
March 2, 2023 (Thursday) 13:00 - March 7, 2023 (Tuesday) 21:00

▼W Membership advance booking page here

■ Number of tickets

Up to 2 tickets per person per performance

■ Application conditions
Both the applicant and accompanying personmust be SYC and SYC MOBILE members.

▼Register as a member here

<SYC Members Advance Registration>

[Application period]
March 6, 2023 (Monday) 18:00 - March 12, 2023 (Sunday) 23:59
[Winner Announcement]
March 18, 2023 (Saturday) 13:00
[Deposit period]
March 18, 2023 (Saturday) 13:00 - March 23, 2023 (Thursday) 21:00

*Ticket details and application link will be announced at a later date.

< SYC MOBILE Members Advance Ticket Sales>

[Application period]
March 19, 2023 (Sun) 12:00 to March 26, 2023 (Sun) 23:59
[Winner Announcement]
April 1, 2023 (Saturday) 13:00
[Deposit period]
April 1, 2023 (Sat) 13:00 - April 6, 2023 (Thursday) 21:00

*Ticket details and application link will be announced at a later date.

When applying, both the applicant and the accompanying person must go through the "First Login" procedure to "Issue and Link a Plus member ID" at Yamamoto Sayaka 's fan club "SYC". If you do not complete the "First Login" procedure, you may not be selected for this advance sale. Please be sure to complete the procedure.
[First time login here]

■Infection prevention measures for "SAYAKA YAMAMOTO LIVE TOUR 2024 -&-"

This tour will be held with precautions in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Please be sure to read the following precautions before purchasing tickets.

Please note that this information may change depending on the situation.

The infection prevention measures described below are a summary of the measures and policies that will be taken to supplement and complement the actual situation, based on the basic items that should be implemented as COVID-19 infection prevention measures when holding performances, following the change in the "Basic Countermeasures for COVID-19 Infection Control" announced by the government on January 27, 2023.

[Information for visitors]

If any of the following items apply to you, you will not be able to attend the show. Please check on the day of the show.

- On the day of the performance, take your temperature at home before going out and it must be 37.5 degrees or higher.

- If you have any other symptoms that may be related to infection with the new coronavirus.

- You have tested positive for COVID-19 and have not yet completed the recovery period set by the local health center or other appropriate authority.

- Have had close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 within the past five days (specific information provided by the public health center, etc.)

(In addition, this includes announcements from business establishments and voluntary decisions.)

[Notes at the performance venue]

-Please wear a mask on the day of the event.

・There is no problem with shouting or cheering as long as you wear a mask.

・After entering the venue, please wash your hands and disinfect your hands frequently.

・You may remove your mask temporarily only when you drink something. After drinking, please put the mask back on immediately. Also, please refrain from eating inside the venue.

・If you start feeling unwell at the venue, please do not wait to see how you feel; instead, make an early decision and be sure to contact a member of staff nearby.

・If you do not follow the rules at the time of entry, you may be denied entry.

[Infection prevention measures at the venue]

- The venue will be constantly ventilated using the facility's air conditioning equipment.

-If there is a high risk of infection situation within the venue, such as close contact between customers, staff will contact you.

Organized by: Local promoters & SYC
Production: Showtitle